Bill Murray's character poses this existential question in the classic comedy Groundhog Day. Despite the sense of freedom and eliminated risk, Phil is litterally trapped in his own life, reliving February 2nd time and time again.
Don't we all feel like this every now and again? Stuck in the same routine seemingly without liberation?
My life, for better or for worse, is built on repatition. Today was much like any other. I woke up, twenty minutes late of course. I sat through six hours of my catholic school education. I led cross country practice. Yesterday, I did very much the same thing. I feel like the anti-hero Phil Collins, but then again there is a tomorrow. This is the real world and as much as it seems like it this is not a film fantasy world. We are not granted the opportunity to relive our days without consequence, but we are better for it.
So, instead of driving on the tracks and throwing punches in the streetsembrace tomorrow; even if it is exactly like today.
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